10 Things This Family Is Doing To Save The Planet1.
Reduce Water ConsumptionWe don't leave the water running when we brush our teeth. We bought a high-efficiency washing machine that uses 75% less water. We strongly believe in the mantra "if it's yellow, let it mellow" unless we have just eaten asparagus. We also haven't fixed the sprinkler system so we aren't tempted to waste water on the lawn and we only bathe Lucy when she REALLY needs it, ie. visible dirt.
One Bag of Trash a MonthWe have reduced the amount of prepackaged and overpackaged items that we buy. No more juice boxes, individual yogurt cups (now bought in bulk), plastic water bottles (Brita water filter and Sigg bottles), CDs and DVDs (Netflix or downloaded straight from the internet). I know a lot of artists out there are saying that downloading for free is like stealing (which I am not saying that I do) but seriously, 90% of the entertainment and music industry is crap, so instead of filling our landfills with crap wouldn't it be nicer if we can just erase it from our hard drive? We recycle everything. If the recycle center doesn't accept it--you know what, they should.
Greening the HomeWe have changed out our bulbs for Compact Fluorescent ones. We've started to unplug unused appliances. We put the computer to sleep after every use. We let Lucy 'Print' only one thing from noggin.com a night. We bought a bagless vacuum, only use 'green' cleaning products, carry the ubiquitous cloth bags everywhere, and use rechargeable batteries! Now if we can just remember to unplug the chargers when we aren't using them...
We No Longer Buy the Extra Fluffy Bleached Toilet Paper For the record, let me state that I am not a fan of the recycled, single-ply, rough stuff but since the only other route would have rendered my left-hand useless which is unacceptable since I am ambidextrous and need that hand to function in society, I will succumb to this request from my right-handed husband.
We Use Fans Instead of an Air Conditioner This is easy to do in Colorado since it only gets unbearable 2-3 months out of the year. That being said, if I had the money I would install central a/c because those 2-3 months can be downright unbearable!
We Use a Programmable ThermostatIn the winter: 68 degrees when we are home, 65 degrees when we are not home during the day and 63 degrees when we go to sleep. I love my down comforter!
In the summer (and if we had central ac): 78 degrees when we are home, 83 degrees when we are not at home during the day and 63 degrees when we go to sleep! (I want to keep using that down comforter straight on through summer!)
We Buy Organically and LocallyIf we do nothing right as parents then we can rest assured that we at least fed the kid organic, hormone-free, free-range foods. Since the farmer's markets are only open for 6 months out of the year and the Whole Foods is actually in the next town, buying locally is a little harder to do but we are working on this, ie, moving to a place that has a farmer's market year-round, a Whole Foods and a Trade Joe's all in one town. Hippie Heaven.
Reduce, Reuse, RecycleWe are teaching our progeny the importance of Reduce, Reuse, Recycle so that for her it is her way of life. Our daughter is lucky that she is surrounded by people who care about the future of the this planet--an atmospheric scientist father, a landscape architect mother, an arborist dude, a mass transit planner, drainage, stormwater and EPA experts, a children's doctor and so many, many teachers! Our friends are cool!
9. I Am Teaching My Daughter the Fine Art of ThriftingOther than throwing a can into the recycling bin this is the best way to show Lucy how to Recycle and Reuse. I refuse to pay full price for a Dora the Explorer tshirt but for $.50 why not? A value on the wallet but also the value of Reuse will carry on with her until she outgrows it and wants a Hannah Montana tshirt. Then back to Goodwill we will go for more value-teaching. Now that Lucy can read I've also taught her the fine art of perusing Craigslist. If she wants that Barbie Dream House she needs to work for it by increasing her vocabulary. This is also another way to promote the love of reading to your kids.
We Are Sticking to One ChildOur overpopulated planet doesn't need another punk kid using up more of our precious resources. And as long as the planet doesn't go the way of the movie
Idiocracy Lucy will be fine being an only child. However, I cannot guarantee that she will grow up to be a well-adjusted adult and not have 8 kids in one go. This will of course render the whole point of No. 10 moot.
Happy Earth Day!